Privacy Policy

Panel Design Lab Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider") has operated the website (hereinafter referred to as “Platform”) to facilitate the purchase of goods and services for the customers who use the service (hereinafter referred to as "Service User")


General Terms and Conditions

This privacy policy has been created to protect the personal information of Service User and to legally collect and maintain that information under the law. Service User is required to acknowledge and accept the privacy policy before proceeding to use Platform.


Personal Privacy and Data Collection

Personal data is individual information that enables the person to be identified both directly and indirectly. The data includes the information that Service User provides to Service Provider within Platform such as first and last name, address, delivery location, national identification number, email address, telephone number, date/month/year of birth, etc.


Purpose for Collecting Personal Information

  1. To facilitate Service User to the platform services.
  2. To proceed with the orders and deliver products to Service User.
  3. To provide special deals to Service User.
  4. To survey demand and popularity of services and products. Service Provider will use the information to improve services, promotional activities, Platform experience and product quality.
  5. For other purposes that Service Provider informs and receives consent from Service User.

Use of Personal Information

  1. Service Provider only use Service User’s data for the purpose of collecting personal information.
  2. Service Provider will not disclose Service User’s personal information to third parties without Service User’s consent except as required by law.
  3. If Service Provider uses third parties during the operation, Service Provider will require such third parties to maintain the confidentiality of personal information such as shipping information, statistical analysis, etc. to carry out tasks assigned by the service provider only.

Protection of Personal Information

  1. Service Provider stores personal information in soft copy and hard copy formats according to the announcement of personal information security standards from Ministry of Digital Economy and Society.
  2. Service Provider stores personal information for the necessary period except some information that needs to be stored as required by law. Service Provider eliminates personal information within 30 days from the end of the storage period.
  3. Service Provider develops a strong and secure Platform to protect Service User’s personal data. However, Service User is required to keep account information and passwords secret. If Service User does not keep the account information or password secret or discloses it to the public, Service Provider reserves the right not to be responsible for damages arising from any activities on Service User’s account.

Rights of Service User as the Owner of Personal Data

  1. Service User has the right to access and request a copy of their own personal data including requesting Service Provider to disclose some information that Service User has not consented to.
  2. Service User has the right to request Service Provider to add, delete, or correct personal information related to Service User.
  3. Service User has the right to suspend the use of personal information related to Service User.
  4. Service User has the right to withdraw consent to use Service User’s personal information Service User has provided to Service Provider.
  5. Service User can contact Service Provider to proceed with the above rights without any cost. Service Provider will consider the request and notify Service User within 7 days from the date Service Provider receives the request.

Cookies Settings

Cookies are information that Platform installs in Service User's web browser during the use of Platform. This will allow Platform to record Service User's usage information until Service User exits the web browser, deletes cookies, or does not allow Platform to install or use cookies anymore.


Privacy Policy Updates

The privacy policy is regularly reviewed to comply with laws, guidelines and regulations. Service Provider will notify Service User to acknowledge and accept the updated privacy policy.



If Service User wish to inquire more information about privacy policy or found actions that do not comply with the privacy policy. Service User can contact Service Provider via the following channels.